Just a blog to tell you that we've heard nothing new. We're in limbo waiting and not planning a single thing until we get a call. All we know is that, our kids are in Poland, our paperwork for the immigrant visas are mailed off, and our court is good. I feel like sitting and twiddling my thumbs at the moment. I force myself to do Rosetta stone about every other day for a few hours, and go to work. We add things to our packing list, pick things up at the store, and spend time with friends and family. It turned out that we had more weekends than we thought to spend time with everyone! Now I think they don't believe that we will ever leave!
I think I need a dry erasable fore head that updates people without them having to ask. I go to work, the grocery store, church, people's houses, etc. and the first question is always, "Have you heard anything?" I can see why people don't say anything to anyone until the last moment before having kids because then people don't ask questions! I have a friend who waits until she can't hide her pregnancy anymore before she tells everyone. For example: she just told me a month ago that she is having a little boy! I just tell everyone that unless I look super cheerful and bouncing with energy, then I haven't heard anything. I guess I look more energetic and cheerful everyday because they still ask every time I see them. I'm sure Lina is tired of our weekly calls for updates. She's so sweet to stay positive and gently remind us that she hasn't heard anything. We can always hope, right?
This is a blog of the adoption process that my husband and I are currently going through. Our journey has changed from adopting children in Poland to pursuing infant adoption in the United States.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wow! Two posts in one day. This is definitely a record for me. I just couldn't wait to share pictures.
Here's just a few presents that we recieved from our second shower. Scott is modeling our beautiful new water sprinkler from a co-worker. We also got an adorable playhouse for our backyard and a wagon!
Here's pictures of their adorable room. It's quite bright in the day and dark at night. It was difficult to decorate a room for both a girl and boy. We picked out material, and I sewed their duvet covers, pillowcases, and curtains. It was quite fun and turned out well. Scott and I painted, and he did the molding around the top. We're quite pleased. Thanks IKEA for the furniture! Although, Scott made the night stands to match! Quite crafty!

Here is the beginning of our stash to bring with us to Poland. There's water toys for the pool. Plenty of supposedly "Quiet toys", but the soccer ball is not coming. If you can think of any suggestions to bring, I would love them! I'm trying to be prepared but not to overpack. We still haven't heard from Poland yet. We're hoping it's soon! We appreciate all the happy thoughts and prayers. It's only by accomplished by a miracle! Thank you!
Here's just a few presents that we recieved from our second shower. Scott is modeling our beautiful new water sprinkler from a co-worker. We also got an adorable playhouse for our backyard and a wagon!
Here's pictures of their adorable room. It's quite bright in the day and dark at night. It was difficult to decorate a room for both a girl and boy. We picked out material, and I sewed their duvet covers, pillowcases, and curtains. It was quite fun and turned out well. Scott and I painted, and he did the molding around the top. We're quite pleased. Thanks IKEA for the furniture! Although, Scott made the night stands to match! Quite crafty!
Here is the beginning of our stash to bring with us to Poland. There's water toys for the pool. Plenty of supposedly "Quiet toys", but the soccer ball is not coming. If you can think of any suggestions to bring, I would love them! I'm trying to be prepared but not to overpack. We still haven't heard from Poland yet. We're hoping it's soon! We appreciate all the happy thoughts and prayers. It's only by accomplished by a miracle! Thank you!
Still Waiting
It is easier to wait if I don't know what the date is. As soon as I write the date, it hits me how long it's been since I've seen my children. Also, it doesn't help with everyone asks, "Have you heard anything?" I have to explain everything all over again about waiting for documents.
While we wait, we've finished the room! I need to take pictures. Also, we had a friends adoption shower. It was filled with friends from work, our neighborhood, and church. It was so fun to see everyone and how happy they are. Of course, I answered a lot more, "How soon do you go back?" My mother-in-law compared it to being in labor and just waiting to go to the hospital! We have generous friends and family.
Pictures will have to wait. I'm running to play with my nieces and nephews.
While we wait, we've finished the room! I need to take pictures. Also, we had a friends adoption shower. It was filled with friends from work, our neighborhood, and church. It was so fun to see everyone and how happy they are. Of course, I answered a lot more, "How soon do you go back?" My mother-in-law compared it to being in labor and just waiting to go to the hospital! We have generous friends and family.
Pictures will have to wait. I'm running to play with my nieces and nephews.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Progess at Home
We've made progress at home while waiting. Scott's family threw us a large family shower on Thursday. They are all so sweet and supportive. I should tell you that he comes from a HUGE family. Well, it is huge for me since I have one brother and only four cousins combined from both sides. He is one of five children, and his dad had quite a few brothers and sisters. Sometimes the cousins forget each others' names because there are quite a few! We received car seats, beautiful outfits for all occasions, swimsuits, bathroom stuff, and lots of toys and books! It was so fun to see everyone there and so happy. They're already planning play dates with our kids! I told them it would be a while to get to that point. I remember how overwhelming it was to meet so many people at once. I'll try to be considerate of my children.
This is a picture from the shower. My newest niece (3 weeks) was sleeping in my arms, and my dear sweet nephew just wanted some attention. He'll definitely be jealous when we get our kids, but I love him!
We have painted, trimmed, and sewn this week. The room is painted and clean. I have sewn the duvet covers. You would not believe how hard it is to find matching boy and girl comforters. There is nothing! I decided to use my craftiness and love of sewing to come up with a solution. My adorable husband not only went to dozens of places and searched online for comforters, but he went to 3 craft stores looking for material. Finally, we spent over an hour at one cloth shop and found adorable matching fabric. Nadia's duvet has flowers and stripes, and Damian's has bugs and stripes. We saw Damian pick up bugs outside and squash them between his fingers which was quite strange! I hope they love it as much as we do. We plan on getting the furniture on Monday! I can't wait to put away their clothes in their drawers and make their beds. We'll post pictures.
I should have said we did have Magda translate a page of commands, requests, and praises. I'm keeping a list of additional phrases to be translated. I loved calling my kids good boy and good girl. They would just look up and smile at me. I tried to use positives every time I could. I'm definitely a praiser because I LOVE to be praised myself. My husband jokes that I always am happier cleaning if he tells me I'm doing a good job!
Here's a few more pictures. We loved the swings! Everyone loves Tata!
We took so many pictures that he found a camera and started taking our picture. He smiled everytime I said "CHEESE!" It must be an American thing!
The photo books were a BIG hit! I would definitely recommend it. Funny thing, their favorite pictures were of themselves. I'm not sure they have seen a picture of themselves before.
I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
This is a picture from the shower. My newest niece (3 weeks) was sleeping in my arms, and my dear sweet nephew just wanted some attention. He'll definitely be jealous when we get our kids, but I love him!
We have painted, trimmed, and sewn this week. The room is painted and clean. I have sewn the duvet covers. You would not believe how hard it is to find matching boy and girl comforters. There is nothing! I decided to use my craftiness and love of sewing to come up with a solution. My adorable husband not only went to dozens of places and searched online for comforters, but he went to 3 craft stores looking for material. Finally, we spent over an hour at one cloth shop and found adorable matching fabric. Nadia's duvet has flowers and stripes, and Damian's has bugs and stripes. We saw Damian pick up bugs outside and squash them between his fingers which was quite strange! I hope they love it as much as we do. We plan on getting the furniture on Monday! I can't wait to put away their clothes in their drawers and make their beds. We'll post pictures.
I should have said we did have Magda translate a page of commands, requests, and praises. I'm keeping a list of additional phrases to be translated. I loved calling my kids good boy and good girl. They would just look up and smile at me. I tried to use positives every time I could. I'm definitely a praiser because I LOVE to be praised myself. My husband jokes that I always am happier cleaning if he tells me I'm doing a good job!
Here's a few more pictures. We loved the swings! Everyone loves Tata!
We took so many pictures that he found a camera and started taking our picture. He smiled everytime I said "CHEESE!" It must be an American thing!
The photo books were a BIG hit! I would definitely recommend it. Funny thing, their favorite pictures were of themselves. I'm not sure they have seen a picture of themselves before.
I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Crazy in Utah
We're working crazy hard in Utah trying to get things ready. Regretfully, working on our Polish has not been a part of it yet. When we got to Poland this last time, I realized how much I needed to work on it more. Magda was great to translate some key parent phrases like: "you're not allowed", "no more", and "not now". We're picking out furniture, reorganizing all the closets, painting their room, and looking forward to kid showers. We'll post more pictures later!
Monday, May 23, 2011
I don't know if it is jet lag or the short time we've spent with the kids, but I'm exhausted! We met the kids today after a meeting with all the officials. I surprise a few people by how young I am. They sized me up that I would be best at running after the kids, and boy were they right! The meetings went well. For the second meeting, we saw their bedroom, play rooms, and bath room. We brought toys (they liked), bubbles (they loved!), and stuffed animals (they wouldn't touch). They were happiest when we were tossing them in the air and playing with them. We heard some tears and saw the other side too! I wonder what they tell them exactly besides that we're here to visit them. I did realized that we missed their snack time and that would explain some behavior at trying to get out the door. We'll have to keep their schedule. They sure like cookies and sugar! Bribing power! We look forward to a couple more visits before we leave. Here are some pictures!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I didn't believe I would say that for a while. We have accepted a referral for 2 kids. There is Damian who will be 3 next month, and Natalia who will be 5 in September. I haven't met them yet, but I'm already losing sleep!
I guess it was one of those quick offers, but it's perfect for us. We received the referral after a quick call from Lina asking if we would be interested. Of course, we said yes. It only took us a day, quick trip to a pediatrician, and lots of prayer to feel it was a miracle. Now we have bought our first plane tickets to Poland. We meet our kids in less than 10 days I think! I can't believe it's here. They are absolutely adorable.
This is my son!
Here is my daughter!
So I have a list of questions to ask about background, parents, and current routines. We're bringing 2 blankets, 2 stuffed animals, and photo books of the families. Lina said they could keep these things with them to help remember us and feel closer. Any more ideas? We figured we'd wash the blankets and stuffed animals in our laundry detergent and spray our cologne to help smell memories. I have even thought slinkies. Call me crazy, but I read in "Parenting Internationally Adopted Children" that it can help the concept of away and back. Just a reminder that we will come back for them. What do you think? I appreciate all input from those who have gone before us and those to yet go. Thanks so much for your friendship and support. I hope our experiences help lift the spirits of those waiting as those before us helped us.
I guess it was one of those quick offers, but it's perfect for us. We received the referral after a quick call from Lina asking if we would be interested. Of course, we said yes. It only took us a day, quick trip to a pediatrician, and lots of prayer to feel it was a miracle. Now we have bought our first plane tickets to Poland. We meet our kids in less than 10 days I think! I can't believe it's here. They are absolutely adorable.
This is my son!
Here is my daughter!
So I have a list of questions to ask about background, parents, and current routines. We're bringing 2 blankets, 2 stuffed animals, and photo books of the families. Lina said they could keep these things with them to help remember us and feel closer. Any more ideas? We figured we'd wash the blankets and stuffed animals in our laundry detergent and spray our cologne to help smell memories. I have even thought slinkies. Call me crazy, but I read in "Parenting Internationally Adopted Children" that it can help the concept of away and back. Just a reminder that we will come back for them. What do you think? I appreciate all input from those who have gone before us and those to yet go. Thanks so much for your friendship and support. I hope our experiences help lift the spirits of those waiting as those before us helped us.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Off to Poland!
Our dossier is complete, approved by our agency, and mailed off to Poland. It feels good to join those in waiting. I just hope it goes reasonably quick as I'm sure everyone else does too! Off to craft!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Not Quite Waiting Yet
We are getting all of our documents sent off to be apostilled. Maybe my excitement was a little too early. We are not quite waiting yet. Our major discouragement is with getting a police clearance apostilled in Germany. Adoption clearances are harder when you have lived in multiple states or countries after the age of 18. Who knew? Germany is no longer apostilling documents for people outside of Germany. Any ideas? Scott and our agency are exploring options such as talking to the German consulate. Hopefully our paperwork will be apostilled in two weeks. I will keep you posted.
I asked for a new timeline for waiting. Our agency SMIA, told me it is about 2-3 months to get translated and get in line for a referral, and then realistically 2 months after that for a referral. We were hoping for quicker! I guess everyone wants it to be quicker! We've waited so long for our little ones, and any longer just seems hard. Does anyone know if 2 kids is faster nowadays? I heard it was, and then last year it wasn't. I was just wondering. I guess I can put it on my question list for my agency!
Thanks for all your well wishes! Just seeing other adoption successes and hearing about referrals makes me happy and gives me hope. Thanks for all your posts.
I asked for a new timeline for waiting. Our agency SMIA, told me it is about 2-3 months to get translated and get in line for a referral, and then realistically 2 months after that for a referral. We were hoping for quicker! I guess everyone wants it to be quicker! We've waited so long for our little ones, and any longer just seems hard. Does anyone know if 2 kids is faster nowadays? I heard it was, and then last year it wasn't. I was just wondering. I guess I can put it on my question list for my agency!
Thanks for all your well wishes! Just seeing other adoption successes and hearing about referrals makes me happy and gives me hope. Thanks for all your posts.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
CIS approval
We received our CIS approval from the government to bring two children into the United States. It was our last big paper to receive. Two days later, we drove to our social worker's house to pick up our Utah clearances that he hadn't mailed back yet. Now we are going to get our copies notarized with affidavits. Then we are off to get everything apostilled by the secretary of state. And finally, everything will be sent to POLAND!
It is exciting to be so close to be at the waiting period. I've got a few crafts for the kids to keep me busy. I always love to sew and crochet. I've done a few blankets over the years, but I only have one boy blanket. I keep thinking I need to be prepared for one of each or two of each. I have many girl blankets because that is what we requested at first, but now it is totally open to hopefully decrease waiting time. Also, I'm making a play house out of material to cover our card table. I've made them for my nephews and niece, and they absolutely loved them. I'll have to post a picture when I'm finished. I'm making hand puppets with different emotions on the front. My hope is that our kids will be able to relate and learn to express how their feeling with the puppets. I would love to add more projects to my list, but that will be enough to keep my busy for a couple of months. If anyone has ideas for home made generic toys/needs for kids under 6, I would love to hear them.
We are still working with Rosetta Stone. I've started learning how to count at the end of Level 1. I think it will come in handy. Scott is busy with school work for his masters so he isn't quite as far. On the radio today, they were asking for parents to call in if their kids spoke another language other than English. They wanted to show how diverse the population was, I think. I just thought... my kids speak Polish! I hope they try to remember their Polish because we're striving to learn it to use with them. It would be a fun family bond if we spoke Polish together.
Scott and I have decided to make one last quick trip while we can. Our paperwork is almost over, and it's a small celebration. Soon we'll be leaving for Washington DC for a few days. It's one place that I haven't visited. We have three whole days to pack in as much as we can. Scott and I love history, and we thought we'd slip in it before Poland. We'll have to bring the kids when they're older and studying it in school.
I'll write again once everything is sent off to Poland. Thanks for your comments!
It is exciting to be so close to be at the waiting period. I've got a few crafts for the kids to keep me busy. I always love to sew and crochet. I've done a few blankets over the years, but I only have one boy blanket. I keep thinking I need to be prepared for one of each or two of each. I have many girl blankets because that is what we requested at first, but now it is totally open to hopefully decrease waiting time. Also, I'm making a play house out of material to cover our card table. I've made them for my nephews and niece, and they absolutely loved them. I'll have to post a picture when I'm finished. I'm making hand puppets with different emotions on the front. My hope is that our kids will be able to relate and learn to express how their feeling with the puppets. I would love to add more projects to my list, but that will be enough to keep my busy for a couple of months. If anyone has ideas for home made generic toys/needs for kids under 6, I would love to hear them.
We are still working with Rosetta Stone. I've started learning how to count at the end of Level 1. I think it will come in handy. Scott is busy with school work for his masters so he isn't quite as far. On the radio today, they were asking for parents to call in if their kids spoke another language other than English. They wanted to show how diverse the population was, I think. I just thought... my kids speak Polish! I hope they try to remember their Polish because we're striving to learn it to use with them. It would be a fun family bond if we spoke Polish together.
Scott and I have decided to make one last quick trip while we can. Our paperwork is almost over, and it's a small celebration. Soon we'll be leaving for Washington DC for a few days. It's one place that I haven't visited. We have three whole days to pack in as much as we can. Scott and I love history, and we thought we'd slip in it before Poland. We'll have to bring the kids when they're older and studying it in school.
I'll write again once everything is sent off to Poland. Thanks for your comments!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Wow! It's been a long time!
This year has been full of surprises and curve-balls. My husband was laid off at his job in April. Therefore our finished home study had to be updated with our new information. I continue to work more hours at Dyslexia Center. Scott applied and got into a master's teaching program. He was able to take a difficult situation and turn it into fulfilling a life long dream. I'm so proud of him. In December on 2011, if all goes well, he should graduate a teacher for grades 7-12 in social sciences.
We are still on the track of adopting up to two beautiful children from Poland. We increased our age limit to increase our chances of getting two. Although the postponement from the summer drama, we have mailed off our i-800 to the CIS for approval. We are scheduled to get fingerprints done on Tuesday. I hope it doesn't take long to get the approval after that. They've had it for two or three weeks now.
Just waiting to hear back from our social worker, working on perfecting the documents to be apostilled (approved and verified), and reading my Parenting Internationally Adopted Children mommy guide. It is really interesting and fascinating to read. My goal is to be equipped to handle the hardest problems and hope for the best. I need to get back into the Rosetta Stone and practice my Polish some more. I've almost finished book 1 of 3.
I think the hardest part is not knowing what to expect and not being able to prepare for it. I keep wanting to buy things to get rooms ready, but my loving husband reminds me to wait. I just keep a notebook full of ideas on packing lists, things for their rooms, and everything else that pops into my head. It is all very exciting, and I love all the support and enthusiasm from all my friends and family that surround me. You would think that they're getting the child(ren)!
I hope this updates all our friends all over the United States that were wondering. Sorry it's been so long. There's been ups and downs, and it didn't help that I forgot my password! Thanks for all your help and love.
We are still on the track of adopting up to two beautiful children from Poland. We increased our age limit to increase our chances of getting two. Although the postponement from the summer drama, we have mailed off our i-800 to the CIS for approval. We are scheduled to get fingerprints done on Tuesday. I hope it doesn't take long to get the approval after that. They've had it for two or three weeks now.
Just waiting to hear back from our social worker, working on perfecting the documents to be apostilled (approved and verified), and reading my Parenting Internationally Adopted Children mommy guide. It is really interesting and fascinating to read. My goal is to be equipped to handle the hardest problems and hope for the best. I need to get back into the Rosetta Stone and practice my Polish some more. I've almost finished book 1 of 3.
I think the hardest part is not knowing what to expect and not being able to prepare for it. I keep wanting to buy things to get rooms ready, but my loving husband reminds me to wait. I just keep a notebook full of ideas on packing lists, things for their rooms, and everything else that pops into my head. It is all very exciting, and I love all the support and enthusiasm from all my friends and family that surround me. You would think that they're getting the child(ren)!
I hope this updates all our friends all over the United States that were wondering. Sorry it's been so long. There's been ups and downs, and it didn't help that I forgot my password! Thanks for all your help and love.
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