Monday, May 23, 2011


I don't know if it is jet lag or the short time we've spent with the kids, but I'm exhausted!  We met the kids today after a meeting with all the officials.  I surprise a few people by how young I am.  They sized me up that I would be best at running after the kids, and boy were they right!  The meetings went well.  For the second meeting, we saw their bedroom, play rooms, and bath room.  We brought toys (they liked), bubbles (they loved!), and stuffed animals (they wouldn't touch).  They were happiest when we were tossing them in the air and playing with them.  We heard some tears and saw the other side too!  I wonder what they tell them exactly besides that we're here to visit them.  I did realized that we missed their snack time and that would explain some behavior at trying to get out the door.  We'll have to keep their schedule.  They sure like cookies and sugar!  Bribing power!  We look forward to a couple more visits before we leave.  Here are some pictures!


  1. WOOOOOOWWWW!!! You're in Poland and WITH your kids! It brings tears to my eyes again. You all look so happy! Best!

  2. It sounds like everything is going really well. I am SO happy for you! What part of Poland are you in? What all did you take to play with them?

  3. Oh I meant to add, when we adopted our daughter from Russia, 7 1/2 years ago, we too heard many comments about how young we were.

  4. You guys look SOOO happy!!! I hope you are having a wonderful time bonding with your children in Poland!!!

  5. Really awesome. Congratulations!!

  6. So precious. You are the luckiest new parents! Keep the stories and pic coming!
