Friday, February 26, 2010

Home Study

Tomorrow we have our home study at 9am.  We are ready!  Our house is cleaned from top to bottom, and we've been studying our adoption education.  All the documents are gathered and filed neatly.  I don't think I've ever been so organized or clean freakish in my life!  I will update tomorrow!  Wish us luck!


  1. GOOD LUCK! I'm sure you'll pass with top ratings. What a nice, clean, organized feeling to have in your home. What does Bama think?

  2. Bama is unsure of it all. She keeps real close at all times and hates when I leave the house or go in the basement. I think she can sense the changes. Bama is always good though. She's the sweetest and most adorable dog! She just wants to make sure I don't forget her pills or food!
